How to Get University Homework Cheat Sims 4

Sims 4 University expansion pack comes with a new feature that allows your sims to cheat on their homework. Enter the following cheat code into the cheat console:

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Once you’ve entered this code, you can shift-click on the homework object and select the “Cheat Homework” interaction. This will instantly complete the homework, giving your sim a perfect score.

Other Ways to Cheat on Homework in Sims 4 University

how to get university homework cheat sims 4

In addition to the cheat code, there are a few other ways to help your sims cheat on their homework:

  • Have them join a study group. Studying with other sims can help your sim learn the material faster.
  • Use the library. The library can be a good place for your sims to study, as it is quiet and free from distractions.
  • Hire a tutor. A tutor can help your sims understand the material and improve their grades.
  • Use mods. There are a number of mods available online that can make it easier for your sims to cheat on their homework.

Risks of Cheating on Homework

It is important to remember that cheating on homework can have negative consequences. If your sims are caught cheating, they may be punished by their professor. Additionally, cheating can lead to your sims developing bad habits, such as procrastination and laziness.

Alternatives to Cheating

If you don’t want your sims to cheat on their homework, there are a few other things you can do to help them succeed in university:

How to Get University Homework Cheat Sims 4

  • Make sure they have a good study schedule. A regular study schedule can help your sims stay on track and avoid procrastination.
  • Create a distraction-free study environment. A quiet and comfortable place to study can help your sims focus and learn.
  • Encourage them to ask for help. If your sims are struggling with a particular subject, encourage them to seek help from their professor, a tutor, or a classmate.


Cheating on homework can be a tempting way to improve your sims’ grades, but it is important to remember the risks involved. If you do decide to cheat, be sure to do so wisely and avoid getting caught.

Other Ways to Cheat on Homework in Sims 4 University

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