How to Get Money in Sims 4 University

Earning money in The Sims 4 University expansion pack can be challenging, but there are several ways to make Simoleons quickly and easily.

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Part-time Jobs

Can Sims get part-time jobs at University?
Yes, Sims can get part-time jobs while attending university. There are four different part-time jobs available: Barista, Retail Associate, Fast Food Employee, and Library Assistant.


How many scholarships can a Sim get?
Sims can earn up to three scholarships per semester. To apply for a scholarship, Sims must have a high GPA and meet the other requirements listed in the scholarship description.


How much money can Sims get from grants?
Grants are a one-time payment of Simoleons that Sims can receive to help pay for their tuition and fees. The amount of money that Sims can receive from grants varies depending on their household income and other factors.

how to get money in sims 4 university

Student Loans

How much can Sims borrow in student loans?
Sims can borrow up to $50,000 in student loans per semester. Student loans must be repaid with interest after Sims graduate from university.

How to Get Money in Sims 4 University

Other Ways to Make Money

In addition to the methods listed above, Sims can also make money by:

Part-time Jobs

  • Selling items. Sims can sell items that they find or create in their inventory.
  • Gardening. Sims can grow and sell plants in their garden.
  • Writing books. Sims can write and sell books on a variety of topics.
  • Playing music. Sims can play music for tips in public places.
  • Donating plasma. Sims can donate plasma at the hospital for Simoleons.

Tips for Making Money in Sims 4 University

  • Start saving early. The sooner Sims start saving, the more money they will have when they need it.
  • Create a budget. Sims should track their income and expenses to make sure that they are not spending more than they earn.
  • Get a part-time job. Part-time jobs are a great way to earn extra money and gain valuable work experience.
  • Apply for scholarships and grants. Scholarships and grants can help Sims pay for their tuition and fees without having to borrow money.
  • Be frugal. Sims should avoid spending money on unnecessary items and try to find ways to save money on their expenses.


There are several ways to make money in The Sims 4 University expansion pack. By following the tips above, Sims can easily earn enough money to pay for their tuition and fees and still have some left over for fun.

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