Who Is the Criteria for a Guarantor on a Loan?

When applying for a loan, you may be asked to provide a guarantor. A guarantor is someone who agrees to repay your loan if you are unable to do so. To be a guarantor, you must meet certain criteria.

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What Qualities do Lenders Look for in a Guarantor?

  1. Good credit history: Lenders want to be sure that the guarantor has a good credit history and is able to manage their own finances responsibly.
  2. Sufficient income: The guarantor must have sufficient income to cover their own financial obligations as well as the loan repayments if you are unable to make them.
  3. Stable employment: Lenders prefer guarantors who have a stable employment history and are not at risk of losing their job.
  4. Close relationship to the borrower: Lenders often prefer guarantors who have a close relationship to the borrower, such as a family member or close friend. This is because they are more likely to be willing to help the borrower if they are unable to make the loan repayments.
  5. No history of bankruptcy: Lenders will not consider guarantors who have a history of bankruptcy. This is because it indicates that the guarantor has not been able to manage their finances responsibly in the past.

How to Find a Guarantor

If you need to find a guarantor for a loan, you can start by asking family members or close friends. You can also ask your bank or credit union if they offer a guarantor service.

What are the Risks of Being a Guarantor?

There are some risks associated with being a guarantor on a loan. If the borrower is unable to make the loan repayments, you will be responsible for doing so. This could have a negative impact on your credit history and your finances.

Who is the criteria for a guarantor on a loan?

What are the Benefits of Being a Guarantor?

Being a guarantor on a loan can also have some benefits. For example, it can help the borrower to get a lower interest rate on their loan. It can also help the borrower to build their credit history.


If you are considering being a guarantor on a loan, it is important to understand the criteria that lenders will look for. You should also be aware of the risks and benefits of being a guarantor.

Who Is the Criteria for a Guarantor on a Loan?

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